How does VZTrack keep your data safe?
Your Data Security is our utmost priority.
VZTrack has state-of-the-art technology in place to prevent data corruption and to prevent unauthorized access to computers, databases and websites.
But of course, data security is a concern only if you are storing sensitive data in the first place.
We do not take residents’ Phone Numbers or Email Ids.

Tiered Architecture Protection
Your data is stored in the best-in-class servers hosted on AWS (Amazon Web Services).
We have implemented a tiered data protection and security architecture with multiple rings of defense to counter applicable threats.
A dedicated team of experts are constantly monitoring this daily to weed out any potential threats
No Room For Malpractices
All VZTrack team members are authenticated as per their roles and accordingly access is granted to the specific part of the data.
Our tools that we use to connect to the data make it mandatory to change the passwords (password used by developers and support staff to access the data internally) every few weeks.
We also sign a NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) with our team members and also our end customers which makes us and our team liable against any unethical use of data.

Regarding Data Encryption (SSL, HTTPS)
We use an industry leading 256-bit encryption domain validated (DV) SSL certificate to secure your data when it is sent & received from the tablet to the server and from your browser (while accessing the website for admin application).
Normally, data sent between browsers/apps and web servers is sent in plain text—leaving you vulnerable to eavesdropping. But with SSL, your sensitive information such as credit card numbers, passwords and login credentials can be transmitted securely.
Disclosure of Customer Content
We do not disclose customer content unless we’re required to do so, to comply with the law or a valid and binding order of a governmental or regulatory body.
Unless prohibited from doing so or there is clear indication of illegal conduct in connection with the use of product or data.
VZTrack notifies customers before disclosing customer content so they can seek protection from disclosure, if required.

Backup & Recovery
We have very firm backup and recovery procedures in place to protect against data loss and reconstruct the data and make it available immediately, should loss/breakdown occur.
We take daily AMIs (Amazon Machine Images) of our server instances and backups of the data which is securely stored on the Amazon S3 storage. We perform regular recovery drills to make sure our backups and functional