Festive Occasions hold a significant place for us in our hearts, taking us away from all the hustle & bustle of our lives and making room for our family & friends.
We want you to cherish every moment that you can with your loved ones and for that, we have brought you our most beloved feature,
“The Rainbow Resident” Feature to make your housing society a vibrant community!
You can interact on a common group with all of your fellow Neighbours through Text or Place Audio/Video Calls & invite them to the Garba & Dandia Night during Navratri or any other such festive occasion!
If needed you can even create your own groups and add selective society members to your group from a specific building or wing, etc.
Or even create a specific group for Owners & another one for Tenants.
You can not only interact with your neighbors but also with the House-Keeping Staff, Security Guards & Society Managers, etc. and maintain Next-Level Effortless Communication within the society & co-ordinate with each other to arrange for the functions easily.
Your Entire Society Is Connected To Each Other Via The Rainbow Resident Feature!!
Now you can not only communicate within the society but also with your Local Service Providers & Institutions that serve your society.
On Request, they can be a part of this platform so that you can communicate with them effortlessly & avail their services seamlessly.
With the Rainbow Resident Feature, you can also be a part of various channels regarding your day-to-day society, city, traffic, theft, etc. related specific topics where you can subscribe and keep yourself updated and also contribute on matters of your interest.

Do you wanna know something that our patrons really love??
The guards at the gate can reach you via the Free 4G Device that we provide them with, to make video calls whenever the need arises.. so that you can directly talk to the visitor at the gate itself! While you are sitting on your couch watching TV at home or even while you are at work! Isn’t that amazing?
Well if you thought that was amazing, here’s something mind-blowing…
We Do Not Need Any Phone Numbers Or Email Id’s to Text or Place Audio Video Calls!
All the communication is done via the flat numbers & owner's name.
So what are you waiting for? Celebrate your festivals with your loved ones in a vibrant way NOW

Experience the plethora of features offered by VZTrack’s App and make your housing society a Vibrant Community today!
VZTrack is cherished by more than 350 Housing Societies And 50,000 Families across Pune & Mumbai!
To know more.. please visit our website www.vztrack.in or click on the button below:
Or call on +91 907 501 6367